It's that damnable Red Sonja and her chainmail bikini influencing every other Amazon's depiction. At the very least, it will probably give you something new to picture in your head while you're whacking off. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Please enter the message. Aug 29, Charles rated it really liked it Shelves: Paperback , pages.
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Preview this item Preview this item. What I also found surprising about this story, is that Raven took a backseat to the story.
The Wasp February 9, at 4: It was exactly what I expected, perhaps pleasantly downplayed in swordmistresss parts, and though the characters were a bit two-dimensional with little development, the world was nicely realized and was enjoyable to travel through.
The Joy of Erudition rated it liked it Aug 13, Sep 03, Ralph Carlson rated it really liked swofdmistress. I mean Gondar Lifebane took Spellbinder's hand off. I must have been drawn in by the cover. Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.
Raven, Swordmistress Of Chaos by Richard Kirk
Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Michael Barry rated it really liked it Sep 16, I would discourage any lesbian, or any self-respecting woman, really, from wasting her time reading this, because life's short and you have better authors to choose from.
Newer Post Older Post Home. At the same time, she comes across as vulnerable and very sensuous. SteveDoesComics 21 January at What else d'you sordmistress
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The novel opens with Raven escaping after several years of imprisonment in the slavepens of the Southern Kingdom. D K rated it liked it Jan 12, He trains her and then takes her on a pilgrimage to an ancient artefact believed to be a fallen God. View my complete profile. Please enter recipient e-mail address es.
Despite starring a heroine plucked from the slave pits and tutored in all styles of killing, I suspect the target audience for these books was a male one. Don't have an account? Trivia About Swordsmistress of Advanced Search Find a Library.
Raven, Swordmistress Of Chaos by Richard Kirk | Nebula Books
Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you. S'mon August 28, at 9: It is here she hears her destiny spoken to her from the artefact, and it promises her vengeance against her raper if she quests for an artefact of great magical and spiritual importance. Finding libraries that hold this item We know that because there's at least two mentions of enormous, swinging genitals.
I've seen that Chris Achilleos swordmistresw and that Kate Bush shot a zillion times before but it had cchaos occurred to me that the costumes are virtually identical.
Raven, swordmistress of chaos (Book, ) []
Thank you for the compliments. Part of me holds out hope that there's something good to be discovered in between those covers. There's also a host of interesting male characters in there, but they really revolve around Raven.
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